Our Story
We are doing our best in order to serve you everything which is the best and the most natural in one of the biggest coffee chain, Caribou Coffee. We are wandering around the world so as to find and bring you the coffee beans of the best quality. We are choosing the best coffee beans for you among the hundreds of different ones from many countries. Real chocolate and daily milk are used in our products. Why are we doing all that? It is because we want you to live a unique experience when you come to Caribou Coffee.
Get up one hour earlier tomorrow and live your life one more hour. Wake up, take a deep breath, go out, smile at people, run after your dreams and appreciate every second of your life! Don't forget that life is too short to repeat the same things. Now make a fresh start! Stay awake in order to live life to the fullest!
Our Culture
At Caribou Coffee, you won't hear us talking about our vision or mission. To us, that's corporate speak. Instead, we talk aspirations, experiences and values. We aspire to be The Community Place I Love and we're committed to sharing an Extraordinary Experience that Feeds the Soul.
Sound lofty? We don't think so. Our core values keep us grounded and ensure we're able to realize our aspirations and deliver extraordinary experiences each and every day.